Week 1 Wrap Up

Dash from the incredibles screaming “we survived but we’re dead!!” is exactly how I feel. I forgot how exhausting being talked to for 8 hours could be. It’s exhausting, heed my warnings if anyone’s going back to school. Walking 8 miles on Thursday probably didn’t help, but here we are!

My friend from the first day stuck with me and we have officially created a lil group chat. No study group with them because she and the other gals are in different cohorts than me. I did join a study group with 2 other students in my cohort, and it’s already turning out to be a good gig. We’ve met once already and thankfully, we all had the same understanding of the ~many~ readings. They’re probably a bit more serious than me but accountability is good & I’ll feel pressured to keep up with the readings so I don’t embarrass myself with them. Kidding, they’re honestly really nice and wouldn’t judge me.

I had some fun I swear!

To end the week we had a pizza party that included an optional tour of campus. I took the tour, did you know UC is the only campus where any student can use the varsity fields/courts as long as it’s not reserved? Did you also know that prime sunbathing on campus is at the baseball stadium? I surely didn’t but shoutout to our great tour guides!

On Thursday I finally made it to a Cincy Girls Walk meet up. I thought the meet up was relatively close to my apartment so I decided to walk… 3 miles to the walk, another 3 miles with the group only to walk another 2 home. My only two regrets were not wearing my good running shoes & getting an awful cider at the brewery we stopped at. @Mom & @Dad is it acceptable to chug gross drinks now that I’m back in college??