Week 4 Learning

Things I’ve learned this week –

  • there are at least 7 types of garlic
  • dickered means written or type written terms that describe goods
  • it takes me an hour to read 10 pages, law school reading isn’t the move
  • studying on the rooftop is the move
  • finishing homework before Thursday is great, but at what cost
  • if there’s free food, there’s a 90% chance it’s pizza
  • I live for the 10% of the time when it’s not pizza
  • Raising Cane’s is great, why/how have I not tried it before??
  • I’m still pretty good at Kahoot – shout out to getting 3rd place in class
  • UC Law geotags as an MRI imaging center on my phone
  • I need more breakfast recipes that are meal prep friendly