T-minus 1 week

Officially a week out until I move down to Kentucky for the next 3 years, I am excited and ~emo~. For those of you who aren’t cool kids, emo is short for emotional. It seems that the closer I get to school starting my to-do list keeps growing despite all the tasks I seem to complete. I’ve submitted all of the necessary paperwork, but have I bought a garbage can or my wi-fi router yet? no. 

In true Megan Fisher fashion I have a fully packed week next week seeing people and wrapping up last minute errands. I really could have used another week to see more people, so if I missed you this last month I am super sorry but I love you & will miss you! But also, Covington is only 4 and a half hours away, I have an air mattress, and 3 years for you to come visit!! 🤪