Alrighty folks, apologies for being MIA. I had fall break which was great, but then we hit the ground running preparing for finals and that was quite the marathon.
Let’s start with finals –
I came down with a wicked sinus infection that ended up with me going to the doctors office and getting antibiotics. If you know me well, you know how much I try to avoid going to the doctors and boy should I have gone to the doctors sooner. I truly thought I could power through until I spent my first exam coughing so bad that I asked to be in a separate room during the exam. It took about two weeks to feel healthy again and during those two weeks I took 4 finals. Overall, finals went ok. My last final was 4.5 hours and that was brutally long, did you know I could type for almost 5 hours straight? I certainly didn’t but what a surprise that I could!
Things I loved about being home:
- It was so nice to be home and see family and friends. Did I go overboard making plans to see like 20 people in 14 days? Maybe, but there was a lot to catch up on!! Somehow over break I did not manage to see everyone while I was home?? To those I didn’t see, I missed you & hope to see you when I’m home again!!
- I loved being able to go back to pure barre in person, online was nice but there’s nothing quite like suffering with other people.
- having time to read books & watch movies at my leisure, I almost forgot what freedom was like.
- Harassing my family to play board games, even though I was only successful once (twice?)
- Being near coney islands again
- Not having to drive on hills constantly
- Being able to just pop over to friends houses with minimal heads up & a minimal drive!!
Things I did not love about being home:
- TRAFFIC & MICHIGAN DRIVERS!!! Hall road is a nuisance and full of menaces. I forgot how aggressive/goofy Michigan drivers were, I’m looking at you chevy trax who tried to merge into my lane by trying to run into the middle of my car?
- When everyone decided to be adults and go back to work on Jan 3rd, how rude!
- My cat would not sleep with me every night?? Sir I am home for a limited time, let me love you
Now I’m back to KY and having a great start to the semester. I’ve got interesting classes, interesting professors, and interesting weather. On Sunday it snowed 5 inches 12 hours before it should have. On Wednesday we had a delayed start due to icy conditions. Maybe next week we’ll get a snow day! Kidding, it’s pretty warm & sunny here (compared to MI) and I would prefer to keep it that way.